Friday, May 22, 2020

Floors are Finished!

The floor finisher put the final coat of floor finish down today!  Everything is wet now, but according to him, we can walk on it on Monday and start moving stuff in.

This was a major step in getting ready for the move.

Waiting on appliances to be delivered from Lowe's, then home sweet home.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Well, It's a Start

Started a little "project" in the basement this week.  The room that houses the boiler and hot water heater has a lot of extra space, so we decided to use some of it for storage, mostly for seasonal decorations.  And since the floor gets a little water on it from heavy rains, we thought it best to elevate everything off the floor.  So one trip to Lowe's, six cinderblocks, and four 2x6's later, we were able to start emptying the building at our current home to the new one.

At least it's a little forward progress.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

On With the Floors!

So finally, after searching and calling all around the Beckley area, we found someone willing (and able) to sand and refinish the hardwood floors in the house.  This is the next to last step to get accomplished to allow us to start moving.

He had already sanded all the downstairs floors and then started on the "impossible" floor - the kitchen.  He wasn't deterred in the least and the pics here show how far he's already gotten with this one.

Next step is upstairs, but there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel!